How to Change Custom Taxonomy Name without losing entries

When you encounter a conflict with a custom taxonomy name in WordPress, there are a few steps you can take to resolve it without losing your existing entries. Here’s a recommended approach:

Step 1: Backup your database

Before making any changes, it’s always a good idea to create a backup of your WordPress database. This way, you can restore it if anything goes wrong during the process.

Step 2: Rename your custom taxonomy

In your custom theme, rename your custom taxonomy to a unique name that won’t conflict with the plugin’s taxonomy. Update the necessary code references, such as function names and hook registrations, to reflect the new name.

Step 3: Migrate existing entries

After renaming your custom taxonomy, you’ll need to migrate the existing entries from the old taxonomy to the new one. You can achieve this by running a database query to update the taxonomy term names from the old taxonomy to the new one.

For example, if your old taxonomy name was “platform” and the new one is “new_platform,” you can use the following SQL query:

UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET taxonomy = 'new_platform' WHERE taxonomy = 'platform';

Replace wp_ with your database table prefix if it differs from the default.

Step 4: Deactivate the conflicting plugin

Temporarily deactivate the plugin that has the taxonomy with the same name as your original taxonomy. This will prevent any further conflicts during the transition.

Step 5: Update your custom theme

After completing the steps above, ensure that your custom theme is updated to use the new taxonomy name throughout its code. This includes updating any function calls, template files, or custom queries that reference the old taxonomy.

Step 6: Reactivate the conflicting plugin

Once you have completed the necessary updates in your custom theme, you can reactivate the conflicting plugin. Make sure to test your website thoroughly to ensure that the plugin and your custom theme are working harmoniously.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the conflict between your custom taxonomy and the plugin’s taxonomy without losing your existing entries. However, always remember to back up your data before making any significant changes to your WordPress site.

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